Energoflow LF-131H Liquid Flow Meter - Flow Meter Indonesia - Flow meter air, flowmeter solar, gas, Ultrasonic, Vortex, Electromagnetic


Sabtu, 19 Februari 2022

Energoflow LF-131H Liquid Flow Meter

Energoflow LF-131H Liquid Flow Meter for applications where the medium pressure is very high, eg. measuring the flow of strata l water, we have developed the model LF-131H. The device can be used for bidirectional measurement of the flow of mediums at pressure as high as 40 Mpa.
Energoflow LF-131H Liquid Flow Meter

These Liquid Flow Meter LF-131H are available in two versions - with an integrally mounted or with a standard remotely installed Electronics unit.

Electronics unit having a built-in battery which provides full autonomous functionality for more than four years, The LF-131H Liquid Flow Meter is widely used in the downstream applications in the Oil & Gas industry, eg. at extraction wells since they are rugged and can handle aggressive liquids at such high pressure. They are also used for applications like cementing of wells and measurement of the flow of chemicals injected into wells at high pressure.

Energoflow LF-131H Technical Characteristics

the inner diameter of the pipeline, DN, mm
Liquid temperature,ºC0...150 ºC
Gauge pressure, MPa16MPa, 25MPa
Maximum flow Q max, m 3 / h71180285
Transitional flow Qt, m 3 / h4.26.88.5
Minimum flow Qmin, m 3 / h0.71.82.8
Threshold flow Q, m 3 / h0.150.350.35
Relative error of measurement of flow and volume,%
Qt … Qmax± 1 %
Qmin … Qt± 4 %
Qthreshold … Qminthe calculation is conducted with non-standardized accuracy
For the flows less Qthresholdvolume is not accumulated
(Flow, is taken as equal to zero)

Download Catalog: Ultrasonic Liquid Flowmeter

Ref: Energoflow.com
